Parish Registration
It is important that you are registered and keep your information current.
To enable us to better communicate and provide information to you, it is essential we have on record accurate contact and family details of all our parishioners.
Updating of our database is paramount, and we therefore ask you to provide your family details on our ‘Parishioner Information Form’ available at church entrances or below for download.
For those already registered, we would like to know if you have:
Changed address in recent years
Welcomed a new child into the family
Pledged for Planned Giving donations
Parish registration is essential if you wish to have your child baptised or wish to enrol in our Sacramental Program or you plan to enrol your child in one of our Parish schools (Parish registration is essential for enrolment) or request for reference for High School.
NB: Due to privacy restrictions, information given to our parish schools is not transferable to the parish database.
We also seek permission to use this information so we can provide the best pastoral care possible, and reassure you that the information will be used only for Parish reasons, and not distributed elsewhere.
Thank you for your assistance in providing up to date information, as this helps us in our planning and decision making for your future and the future of the parish.
To register, please download the form, complete, and email to or mail to Parish Secretary, 56 Veterans Parade, Collaroy Plateau 2097. To download or read the Parishioner Information Form click here.
If you have any further questions please call the office on 02 9982 1058.